1 in 7 children are at risk of hunger.
As a classroom volunteer, our founder-Carrie Torres has seen childhood hunger firsthand. In 2015, during a breakfast/lunch party in her daughter's classroom, the teacher asked us to make sure that 2 specific children got as much food as they wanted so that they were well nourished and not lacking when starting the weekend. As she looked around the room all she could see were kids playing and laughing and abandoned plates full of food carelessly tossed on the desks. Then she saw them...two boys, one in each corner, separate from the festivities. Both devouring their food with euphoria and desperation all at the same time. That is the day that her life changed and so did her perspective on poverty and hunger.
Provision Packs is a food supplementary program aimed to supply nutritional assistance to low income children and their families with an ease of accessibility and execution. Many PreK-8th grade children are reliant upon the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) for their food and nutrition during the school week, but when the weekend comes there is limited or no consistent access to food. Now, more than ever, your support is needed to close the gap on childhood hunger and the 1 in 5 children facing food insecurity.
Since 2015 Provision Packs has provided well rounded nutritional food for children on the weekend and extended breaks during the school year. In 2020 we have continued to supply food during the COVID pandemic and we are currently working with 17 schools and over 900 children per week. These children are often reliant on the free and reduced lunch program at their school for their daily sustenance and nutrition. Our goal, through these packs, is to offer support and to relieve some of the burdens fort both the parents and the children. Most importantly, we hope that these packs provide the blessing of nutrition and bring comfort to the children in our community so that our youth can focus on their academics and become healthy, successful thriving adults.
Provision Packs is a food supplementary program aimed to supply nutritional assistance to low income children and their families with an ease of accessibility and execution. Many PreK-8th grade children are reliant upon the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) for their food and nutrition during the school week, but when the weekend comes there is limited or no consistent access to food. Now, more than ever, your support is needed to close the gap on childhood hunger and the 1 in 5 children facing food insecurity.
Since 2015 Provision Packs has provided well rounded nutritional food for children on the weekend and extended breaks during the school year. In 2020 we have continued to supply food during the COVID pandemic and we are currently working with 17 schools and over 900 children per week. These children are often reliant on the free and reduced lunch program at their school for their daily sustenance and nutrition. Our goal, through these packs, is to offer support and to relieve some of the burdens fort both the parents and the children. Most importantly, we hope that these packs provide the blessing of nutrition and bring comfort to the children in our community so that our youth can focus on their academics and become healthy, successful thriving adults.
Through our program, and with the support from our donors, fundraisers, and volunteers, we can feed kids and reduce hunger, one pack at a time. Volunteers are needed weekly to help pack and deliver the bags to our partner schools.
- 1 in 5 children in Central Florida do not know where their next meal will come from
- More than 34 million people face food insecurity (USDA).
- Many of those same children will go to bed hungry, wake up and go back to school hungry.
- Luckily, most of these same children have access to National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and State Breakfast Program (SBP) as their weekday nutritional resource. All Florida students K-12 is FREE breakfast and lunch
- 41.5 million Americans receive SNAP support at less than $5.00 per person, per day.
- 45% of food stamp users are children.
- 23.8 of children live below the poverty line.
- More than 3.1 million Floridians are food insecure.
- 20%, or approximately 1 million, American children are food insecure
- Over 240,000 children in Central Florida go hungry each day
- 17.2 million households in America, 3.9 million of them with children live with food insecurity.
- 59% of food-insecure households reported that in the previous month they had participated in one or more of the three largest federal food and nutrition assistance programs: SNAP (formerly food stamps).
- 7 million grandparents are raising their grandchildren on the limited funds of food assistance and social security!